Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Noise Pollution and its Health Effects

Noise is simply any form of unwanted sound. The unit of measurement is decibel (dB). Exposure to noise can cause a number of deletorios effects on humans and yet noise generation is one of the inevitable features of development.

There is ample experimental evidence that specific disorders such as cardiovascular disease, annoyance, speech interference at home and at work, and sleep disturbance can occur due to exposure to noise. Temporary and even permanent impairment to hearing can also result from prolonged exposure to excessive noise.

Research shows that decrease of working quality, increase of psychical tension, increase of blood pressure and pulse frequency, and biochemical effects such as increase in epinephrine, urine and serum Mg, protein, cholesterol plus decrease of erythrocyte Na and rennin are associated with a noisy work environment.

There are diffrent noise levels of dicomfort for different people. Generally, the human level of discomfort starts from about 100 dB, pain from about 120 dB, and damage to the hear drum will occur at 160 dB.

Different nations adopt different safety sound levels in different environment such as industrial workplace, open street, and a residential area.


  • Milliscent Morgan says:
    April 19, 2013 at 4:52 PM

    There is ample experimental evidence that specific disorders such as cardiovascular disease, annoyance, speech interference at home and at work, and sleep disturbance can occur due to exposure to noise. Wow thumbs up for this!-environmental noise measurement-

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